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How Am I Supposed to Act in THIS Situation?
An Improvisational Introduction to Improvisational Theatre

"Act" is a word with a number of meanings and associations. There's the sense of performing a task ("let's act on that now"); of presenting a show ("I acted in a local theatre group); of putting on a facade ("he's trying to be brave, but it's just an act"); of a role in an organization ("she's acting CEO"); of behaving appropriately ("just act naturally") or inappropriately ("she's acting up"). Acting gives us a chance to see things from another perspective, to put on a new identity, and to take it off at will, and to explore relationships and motivations of other people--and ourselves.

Improv theatre is acting without preparation, without a script, and without a net; given a situation or an idea, improv challenges you to create, develop, and participate in a new reality on the spot. As such, it's a powerful means of learning, stimulating creativity, and building empathy.

In this session, we'll scratch the surface of improvisational theatre through a series of simple exercises and games. We'll take advantage of the safety and security afforded by the AYE community, so that people need not feel awkward or silly--unless it's part of the act. Session attendees are strongly encouraged to participate or simply to observe as their comfort level permits. Be prepared to drop your usual pretenses, to put some new ones on, and to have a few belly laughs along the way.

Prerequisites: None
Minimum: 7
Maximum: None


Updated: Sunday, March 26, 2006