Mike Beedle describing his blend of XP and Scrum, for managing multiple / large projects..
XBreed has extra practices for managing several concurrent projects and to achieve reuse:
- there are many techniques to add concurrent and dependent application teams (not in XP or Scrum)
- there are many techniques to prioritize, manage and release the "Global Backlog" (not in XP or Scrum)
- includes "Shared Backlog" (not in XP or Scrum)
- Scrum of Scrums (this is in Scrum as well but the focus is expanded).
- Shared Resources Coach (not in XP or Scrum)
- Shared Resources Developers (not in XP or Scrum)
- Coaches that go away as the team matures. These are people that help with both "process and technology", serve as mentors to others and do actual work -- at least 50% of their time is spent doing development. (Sometimes we explicitly call them hands-on "architects" because companies have budgets for them ;-) These "architects" are very similar to XP coaches but have added responsibilities: they form a virtual team for the shared resources as well. (not in XP or Scrum)
- Integration/Testing. There are several practices to manage/communicate/release/test several concurrent product lines that include several concurrent applications and shared resources (not in XP or Scrum)
- reusable components are sponsored by teams that need them (not in XP or Scrum)
- reusable components are only created when they are needed i.e. the multi-application version of YouAintGonnaNeedIt (not in XP or Scrum) etc.
- XBreed also uses as a starting point a default collection of patterns from a book I wrote but never published:
- "Enterprise Architecture Patterns"
- Also as of late, XBreed in practice uses many of the Open Source style of development patterns
Unfortunately, I haven't found the time to cut out an all inclusive paper on XBreed (or to finish the XBreed book under way). However, we use it in our development for Hipaa applications and reusable infrastructure
across the country, and we have used at large companies to integrate many projects that include shared components,
(quoting from XP mailing list... 2002.08.13 6:34 AM, Mike Beedle at [email protected] )
Call for Participation OOPSLA 2002
Seattle, Washington November 4-8, 2002
Dispersed eXtreme Programming Workshop
Deadline: September 19, 2002
Dispersed eXtreme Programming [DXP] means that the members of a software
development team are largely split apart --- typically each working from
home; and yet they work in close collaboration, as in eXtreme
Submission Requirements
Anyone interested in participating in the workshop should submit a position paper about 2-5 pages long and of one of the following formats:
a.. An experience report on using DXP.
b.. A report describing possible extensions to XP to support it in a distributed environment.
c.. A contribution to one of these pages in this Wiki site:
Important Dates
a.. Submissions due: September 19, 2002
b.. Notification of acceptance: October 10, 2002
Please visit the DXP website to apply to join the workshop:
For further information, contact Prashant Jain
Agile Processes Workshop II Managing Multiple Concurrent Agile Projects
Monday, November 5 2002 Seattle, Washington
Deadline for submission of position papers: Friday, October 7
Final notification of acceptance: Monday, October 10
Agile methods have rapidly gained acceptance in the corporate
environment specially at the developer's and team leader's levels.
However, to be accepted at the executive level, agile processes must
evolve to fulfill the needs of enterprises, and as such, they
must be able to solve issues like:
- Simultaneous satisfaction of multiple customer goals. How are tradeoffs chosen? Who and how chooses the priorities of the shared environment? etc.
- Development of an agile culture and practices that support multiple concurrent projects. What management and coordination activities and engineering practices should be used? How should the organization be trained to undergo this kind of development? How should the supporting environment be set up? How should testing and support be conducted? etc.
- Development, configuration management and release of shared reusable components. What are specific architectural and design patterns should be used? How should configuration management should be conducted? How are reusable components advertised and maintained? Who is responsible for shared resources? etc.
- Individual project release in a shared environment with multiple dependencies. How do projects undergo development and release their application to production in an environment of multiple concurrent projects with dependencies? etc.
- How do agile projects interface to inter-dependent non-agile projects in the enterprise?
The goal of this workshop is to understand and contrast how the different enterprise-level agile processes in existence today such as: Scrum, XBreed, XP@Scrum and Grizzly, solve these issues.
� Mike Beedle
� John Cerwin
� Ron Crocker
� Ken Schwaber
� Jeff Sutherland
Conference URL:
Please send position papers to Mike Beedle at:
Updated: Tuesday, August 27, 2002