AYE Conference � Session 5: Reading the River: Using the organizational currents to get you where you want to go Comments Feed" href="/"/> AYE Conference Product List RSS"

Session 5: Reading the River: Using the organizational currents to get you where you want to go

Don Gray

Advanced kayaking involves using the river current to help you get where you want to go. Too much effort means you’re working against, not with the river. With experience you learn a proper line, short stroke, and good lean works better than a lot of muscle.

It’s the same with your development process. You can change big. Big changes take effort, time, money and resources. Or you can change small. Small, simple changes properly executed and stacked one on top the other can get you where you want to go, more customer value out the door.

In this session we’ll develop a process. We’ll use questions like:
- What causes the most pain?
- What provides the most value?
- What is the simplest thing that could work?
to help find improvements so we’re working with, not against the river.

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