What's New for the week of April 17, 2006
Here's our host news this week:
Jerry has started two new blogs, one on consulting and one on writing. (Yes, they're already on our blogroll to the right.) He welcomes comments and suggestions and link-exchanges.
Don's recuperating from shoulder surgery. He'll be catching up on email and writing.
Dave has been hitting the books. He recommends "Working with Legacy Code," by Michael Feathers, for teams that have to wade into the legacy tar pit.
Steve joins colleagues from around the world at headquarters, Boston area, to hear product plans and share his feedback with management about the plans.
Esther is incorporating reviewer feedback for Tuning Up Teams: Retrospectives Toolkit and Recipes preparing the book for publication. She's also preparing to mail the latest issue of her sorta quarterly newsletter, insights. (If you'd like a copy, send Esther email with your postal snail mail address).
Johanna is working in her office, both on marketing her upcoming workshop with Esther and the project management book.