What's New for the Week of August 7, 2006
Here's our host news this week:
Dave is closing out loose ends on two projects so that he can give his full attention to the next two. He's also had to acknowledge that his summer reading plan got seriously out of control, and is now a "rest of 2006" plan. Please, nobody publish anything interesting between now and year-end.
Don's returned to a hot and muggy home. He'll spend a few days at home and then head for Southern Pennsylvania on Wednesday for the rest of the week.
Jerry received an invitation to give the September seminar to SouthWest Writers. He's hosting his Software Engineering Management 2002 group in
Albuquerque this weekend.
Esther heads for the cabin for a few days of relaxation. This time she'll be admiring the new exterior paint job rather than driving the brush. After reading Jerry's post on his writing blog, Where does all the time go? Is it Writer's Block?, Esther has set herself a new weekly word goal. It's not 20,000 words.
Monday and Tuesday, Steve makes contact with prospects and updates his website; Wednesday through Saturday, he participates at the Avanta Conference.
Johanna is completing her catching up from being on the road too many weeks in the past few months, and is forging ahead on her project management book.