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Just came across a funny little article in The Guardian newspaper here in the UK. The AllerednicEffect (reverse Cinderella effect) is where a prince marries a princess and turns her into a scullery maid.

I wonder if anyone has experienced this occuring to themselves, or has seen "fairy tale" projects working in reverse? What fairy tale did it most resemble?

PhilStubbington 2004.10.31

Well, I married a princess (Dani) and she turned me into a scullery maid. Does that count? - JerryWeinberg 2004.10.31
Phil, What's wrong with being turned into a scullery maid? Somebody's got to do the dishes. MikeMelendez 2004.11.01
Jerry - I'm sure that does count! Does that mean that you _always_ unload the dishwasher then? <g>

Mike - too true. At least it's a proper job (like software development, and unlike software management which is what I do 9 to 5!).

PhilStubbington 2004.11.02

Phil, Could you point us to the article to get the sense the article had? Perhaps this is related to the hot discussion occuring on the GreatPeople thread? -- MikeMelendez 2004.11.03
Phil, we have no dishwashing machines in our houses. I had them all removed. I do a much better job, and yes, I wash all the dishes. I was actually a professional dishwasher in a former life, and Dani turned me into a prince (who washes dishes) Most women would think their man was a prince if he washed dishes. In fact, Dani bought me a sign that said "No woman ever shot her husband while he was washing dishes.". - JerryWeinberg 2004.11.03

PhilStubbington 2004.11.09

Updated: Tuesday, November 9, 2004