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ArticleInteraction2002You can join in a discussion of any article you see here, click on the WikiWord. With a wide screen or two, you can have the article on one side and the discussion on the other. Climbing out of Technical Debt� >---> ClimbOutOfTechDebt � 2002 Johanna Rothman Software project managers face many challenges and few more insidious than technical debt. Johanna Rothman explains this phenomenon as "the debt a company 'owes' to a product they persisted in shipping in an incomplete or unstable condition." She offers all too familiar signs of technical debt. For example, "Developers refuse to touch a part of the product saying, 'No one but Fred can touch that. I know Fred left three years ago, but no one else can work on it, because we don't understand it'. Communicate Early and Often >---> CommunicateEarlyAndOften � 2002 Naomi Karten Have you ever had an experience where you gave your all for your customers and still they were unhappy? One possible reason for their reaction is that you implemented a major change without preparing them for it. In the absence of information about what they can reasonably expect, customers form their own conclusions about your motives. What Could Possibly Go Wrong? >---> WhatCouldPossiblyGoWrong � 2002 Esther Derby A software project is a complex thing. It involves many players, many tasks, and lots of things that could go wrong (and often do). If not for dogged optimism, some projects might not be tackled at all. But optimism doesn�t mean turning a blind eye to potential pitfalls. In this week�s column, Esther Derby applies a lesson about asking, "What if..." Advice on How to Hire Testers >---> AdviceOnHiring � 2002 Johanna Rothman What�s the best way to wade through those thousands of resumes you�ve received for the new testing position? To start, you could ruthlessly weed out those who don�t show experience with your organization�s particular toolset. Johanna Rothman warns against this type of approach to hiring. By not looking at the person beyond the tools, you might be letting a star slip through your fingers. How To Kill A Software Company >---> ToKillaSoftwareCompany � 1999-2002 Don Gray A Software Project By Any Other Name Most software practitioners and managers are aware of a project's three legs.� These legs are features, schedule and quality.1� While all of these are important for a successful project, one must be dependent on the other two. 2 � Failing to acknowledge this will guarantee that if the project does succeed, it will be due to the sacrifice of the quality of the participants' personal life (health, finances and relationships), the fortuitous combination of the team's skills, and a good dose of luck.� Treaties to Deal with Communication and Conflict >---> TreatiesDealWithCommunicationAndConflict � 2002-2002 Gerald M. Weinberg On a typical day, I get 100-200 email messages, and some of my clients in large projects receive even more. Though emails improve my ability to communicate clearly and quickly, they may also prove a hindrance to certain kinds of communication. In particular, email does not adequately serve as a medium for recording an important agreement. An important email may be too transitory, too easily lost among volumes of less important communications, too easy to misunderstand, and too easily lead to unnecessary conflicts.
Updated: Sunday, March 30, 2003 |