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I've heard it said that Air Force pilots are taught to wind their watch if they parachute out of their plane. Supposedly, this act occupies their body long enough so their mind can think about what to do next.

What techniques do you use to remind you to center yourself?

One I like is using the phone ring. Start centering at the first ring, and answer after the third ring. This gives me a chance to breath, relax, center, and then answer the phone. 2003.07.14 DonGray

I try to remember to take a sip of tea. This has the benefit of stopping me talking for a minute, while my brain catches up.

There is a marvelous story of the Zen master who was entertaining a guest with tea and conversation. During their tea an urgent letter from the master's son was hand delivered. He put the letter aside and continued with their conversation. When his guest asked him whether he was concerned about the letter, he replied: "Now I am drinking tea. I will read the letter in it's time."

I think that pause is about centering. If you do each thing in it's time you'll be centered when you get there. --- JimBullock, 2003.07.14

Updated: Monday, July 14, 2003