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These are the notes from my homepage from previous AYEs. Just tidying up without letting go.

From before AYE 2001:
Hi Mike, I like the way you put that - and I can assure you that AYE will extend your reach. BTW, I did flip burgers once upon a time, and now look at me, flipping bits. - JerryWeinberg
Mike, I'm glad you're coming to AYE. Funny how we have to go away to reconnect again, eh? Funny about that generalist thing -- I think generalists make great quality, test, project manager-type people. More focused people can certainly be successful, but I think the ability to gather information from multiple sources makes it easier to be a quality/test/project manager. -- JohannaRothman
From after AYE 2001:
Following SteveSmith 's posting of pictures, I am following what seems to be growing into a tradition (new status quo?) and linking into one of Steve's pictures that includes my likeness. I'm the one with the salt and pepper everywhere. -- MikeMelendez
Mike, I read your comment about wanting a place to talk & I agree with you. However, while there is not (yet?) a generic location, I really enjoyed talking to you at AYE. I check the WIKI at least every couple of days & I would be happy to talk about nearly anything. Or my e-mail address is sheinze @ telusplanet. net. --SherryHeinze
Thanks Sherry, I find my biggest wonderment is around the Satir change model. Not with the model itself, as I have too much experience that agrees with it, but with what our reactions should(could?) be when we find ourselves in chaos. The more thinking I do about it, the more it seems this discussion should be under Becky and Brian's SessionOne005 perhaps attempting to integrate the paper airplane building sessions more with van Oech's ideas. What do you think?

I have to admit, I have trouble remembering who was in that session or any particular session. They rapidly became blurs in my memory with particular momemts standing out and some of those could have come from any session. The rush of ideas was like the old MIT metaphor of trying to drink from a firehose. That arouses my curiosity again to discover the origin of the metaphor.

Ok, let's move the discussion to Session005 & see if anyone else wants to participate. I find this year I want to carry on with this much more than I did last year. This year, I am also looking at putting some of this together for something we are trying to do here. Perhaps that makes it easier to hold on to - or harder to let go of. Whichever, I want more discussion on many points and it is more than 11 months until the next AYE.

Let me know if you find the origin of the metaphor.


From before AYE 2003:
After a year's hiatus, I'll be coming to this year's AYE. Last year I spent five months getting to know the new size of the software market. I'm settled now and like my new job very much. Just old fashioned C++ programming from very experienced developers, while I work through their test automation issues. I'm still an SQE, though another Wiki has me thinking anew about that name for what I do: It's run by Cem Kaner, James Bach, Bret Pettichord, and Brain Marick. In some respects, their idea of Context-Driven Testing parallels or can be considered part of the Agile Methodologies ideas. At AYE, I'm looking forward to learning more than I can handle again.

MikeMelendez 2003.04.10

Welcome back, Mike. You'll be among many friends. JerryWeinberg 2003.04.10
From before AYE 2004:
Here's hoping I make this year's AYE. My manager is favorable, but I haven't formally requested it yet. This is the week I do so.

Maybe this time, I can be little less withdrawn and a little more ready to reach out. (I owe you a hug, Sherry.) Maybe this time, I won't talk so fast from nervousness. (I owe you more coherency, Ira.) Maybe this time, I'll listen even better. (Will you join us, Winnie?) What I know for sure is that I will learn more than I can handle, which is just the right amount. And I want to sing away the night again (thanks, Rick), maybe even make it to Michael's Irish pub. I'll be bringing a fake book.

MikeMelendez 2004-02-02

I have my fingers crossed for you! SherryHeinze 2004.02.04
This is the week I do so.
I'm helping Sherry help you! I enjoyed talking with you last year.

I owe SueP dinner somewhere, at least once. I appreciate old friends who tolerated my "too busy" behavior last year. I look forward to a calmer year and spending time with them and new friends. DonGray 2004.02.04

My manager has approved and I'm registered. Now, if I can only get Expedia to behave, I'll have tickets as well. I'm a go. MikeMelendez 2004.03.29
It will be good to see you again. Could you not be the older doppelganger of KeithRay? This could be a new Stephen King book. CharlesAdams 2004.03.29

We are both of both and I challenge you to tell the real difference! MikeMelendez 2004.10.20

If I read your post correctly, CONGRATULATIONS on your retirement from the USNR. DonGray 2004.10.11
Thanks, Don, but there was nothing special about it. It happened in 1994, when they couldn't keep me on the books after not drilling for six years. First it was my master's, then it was the craziness of working as an Applications Engineer traveling all the time. I am officially retired, but nothing goes with it. I just didn't have enough reserve time in. Strangest thing is that if they had left me an LT, I could have much more easily gotten a reserve billet. MikeMelendez 2004.10.11
I wonder if that means I'm retired to. I resigned my commision in ?1988? after 4 years active and 8 years in the canoe club. DonGray 2004.10.12
Probably. I didn't ask for it. They just sent me a certificate, suitable for framing saying I was. I did answer their (DON) question about my drilling again in the probable negative. I did switch to the inactive reserve in 1988 when the time commitment became impossible. I guess this officially placed me off the books. MikeMelendez 2004.10.12
From before AYE 2005:
I appear to have accustomed my manager to AYE. I have an early go! MikeMelendez 2005.04.08
Well done! I'm looking forward to seeing you again in person. -- JohannaRothman 2005.04.08
I appear to have accustomed my manager to AYE.

And who said you can't teach an old manager new tricks? Congratulations. I'm delighted I'll see you again this year. DonGray 2005.04.10

Updated: Wednesday, November 16, 2005