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NotesSessionFour013Four techniques create models: Construction - puts information into the model that wasn't in the orginial experience. Deletion - leaves information out of the model. We delete information based on our interestes, energy level, and experience. Distortion - blending experiences, (de)emphasizing some parts or otherwise altering the original experience. Notes from the first exercise: All mental models are valid (at least for one person). There was suprise about: - The similarities The emotional aspects of time and the color or other senses that didn't have emotional content. Were we answering the same question? Being Aware! (that models exist and may not be the same) So ... Be aware other models exist. Notes from the second exercise For situations where the problem view is external the assumptions were: There was a lack of control. Options: Heroic action. For situations where the problem view is internal the assumptions were: We control our own reality. Options: Consider the other person's point of view. Other mentions: Reframing: Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Transformation of Meaning, Richard Bandler and John Grinder, 1982, Real People Press In conclusion, BeckyWinant and DonGray appreciate you for attending "Making Conscious Choices for Change".
Updated: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 |