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A couple of days, where one or two people writing throw-away code, investigate an unfamiliar problem or technology. They then take the learning back into the team, possibly re-implementing a properly-coded solution.

NOT a mock-up or prototype, since it is only meant to be seen by the programmer(s) investigating the problem.

KeithRay 2003.04.10

Or a couple of minutes to write out a gnarly SQL query by hand, just to prove that the right data comes back. A good way of keeping spikes from getting out of control is to ask "What's the simplest thing we could do to prove if this approach is going to work?" --DaveSmith

For fify years, we've called these "explorations." I guess we have to rename things every half century or so. I prefer that they be oriented to "what's the simplest thing we could do to demonstrate that this approach will NOT work." It's more scientific, and often easier. Still, there are appropriate circumstances for each approach. - JerryWeinberg 2003.04.10

Updated: Friday, April 11, 2003