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One definition: The effort to meet an unachievable deadline.

I have fallen into this trap. At one time a DeathMarch gave me a lot of energy as it improved my SelfWorth. Unfortunately as that time my SelfWorth was wrapped up into what other people thought of me, a sure recipe for inducing misery and other fun things. CharlesAdams 2005.05.16

Charles, Tell me more about how the project gave you a lot of energy and when you first recognized the misery.

-SteveSmith 2005.05.17

The time I got a lot of energy on a project was when I was putting in 13 to 15 hour days getting a delivery prepared. We made the delivery and I felt pretty jazzed, but tired.

However a few years later my boss said he was displeased with the ways things went at that delivery. At that time my SelfWorth was wrapped up in what my boss and coworkers thought of me. That is when a lot of misery kicked in for me.

It was much later that I discovered that SelfWorth does not necessarily have to depend on others. That is when my SelfWorth bottomed out and then started to increase.

I no longer accept a request to engage in a DeathMarch. I have yet, note the word yet, to have such a request be a "mandatory" volunteer opportunity. :-) CharlesAdams 2005.05.18

Updated: Wednesday, May 18, 2005