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Pre-AYE 2006 Interesting Threads


ItsJustOneSmallChange - what happens when someone says it's a small change and we shouldn't even notice it?

SortingFieldStones - How do you keep track of your Field Stones?

EstimatingWorkTime - Estimating work applies to me too!

DecisionMakingPrinciples -- How does your organizations make decisions under uncertainty?

WeAreGoingToHaveToMakeTheBestOfThis -- Do these words make you cringe?

WordOfTheDay -- What word intrigues you today?

Please share your FeedbackAboutAyeHomePage




DialogueMapping to make meetings have better consequences


MeasuringProgress a white paper for the British government

ExtremeIncrementalism lets us profit from small contributions



MakingTheBusinessCase brief advice

How do you FollowTheRules?


Pre-AYE 2005 Interesting Threads

MartinGardnerInterview Link and excerpts from an enertaining interview of Mr. Gardner







PictureOfTheWeek would you like to contribute a picture?

ProcessVersusProcedure what's the difference?

TheBonusEffect -- How have you been impacted by bonuses?



RecognizingWhatsWorking - How do you know what's working and what's not?

SanitationSystemsForOrganizations - What sewage exists in your organization? How does the sewer system work?

MusictoWorkBy - What music do you use when working?

AvoidingTheProblem - What do you think of the tactic of changing your job rather than the strategy of changing yourself to deal with overwork?

ProjectRisks - What should I worry about since things seem to be going well?


SnapDecisions How quickly do you make decisions?

PairProgramming How closely can you work with another? What are the benefits?

MeasurementDistortion What systems do you interact with that invite distortion?



ManagingEmployeePerformance A colleague is struggling with where her management responsibilities end...

WhatDoYouLiketoSeeinaRequirementsDoc I'm beginning to think there is no such thing as a generic requirements document...

ShouldYouTellYourColleague You are asked about a colleague's work performance. What do you say? Should you tell your colleague about the inquiry?

WhatIsYourDataLossVulnerability A friend of mine just spent a week trying to recover his data after a disk crash. He was only partially successful. How are you mitigating the risk of losing the data on your PC?

ScheduledAndUnscheduledTime How much of your day do you schedule? How much of your day needs to be unscheduled so that you can adapt?

HopesandWishes What are your hopes and wishes for the New Year?


WhichJobtoChoose Many of us can be successful at different jobs. Which job do you choose?

WhatHappensToFriendships What happens when you are promoted and the people who where your peers are now people who report to you?

Pre-AYE 2004 Interesting Threads



ManagerKnowledgeOfEmployeePersonalLife How much knowledge should a manager have about an employee's presonal life?

What do you do when you CantGetAnythingDone?

WithholdingInformation - When is it appropriate to withhold information from employees?

LullabyWords - Words have many meanings. Add your "words" and what they really mean.

GettingInformationCongruently - How to ask questions to get information, not to trigger coping stances


ProjectInitialConditions -

Defining and knowing how you have GreatPeople

GreatestSingleBenefit - Does management want you to calculate the ROI on attending the AYE Conference? Here's an idea.

Some suggestions on HowToSpeedUpYourProject

So ... WhatSlowsYourProjectsDown

Do you know or are you an ExtraordinaryExecutive?

InnovationAndImprovisation - What's the difference between innovation and improvisation? What are your experiences with innovating and improvising?

DifFerentConFerence - How is the AYE Conference different?

HowDoYouBuildTrust in the teams you work with? What actions destroy trust?

AreYouReadingYourEmailCarefully Do you read your email thoroughly? What do you typically miss? What suggestions do you have for senders? What suggestions do you have for people who read your messages?

DoingNothing - Do you take time off to do nothing? What do you do when you're busy doing nothing? WhatSlowsYourProjectsDown? Join in with your ideas (and maybe some fixes for what slows the project down.)

Is there such a thing as a BestPractice, or do we have to make do with the lesser (but still pretty darn good to have) UsefulPractices ?

How do you collaborate with other people? Join us in the CollaborationwithOthers thread.


How can we LetMoreFriendsKnowAboutOurConference?

How do you handle team member's ReactionsToNewIdeas?

Have any PSL Grads been watching TheDonaldTrumpShowOnTelevision?

Do you have LongTimeColleagues and does that change how you work?

ScheduleGames What schedule games do you know about or have you played?

WhatWouldYouTeachNewProjectManagers What would you teach new project managers?

HowdoToolsHelpYouWork How do tools help you complete your work?

WhatDoYouThinkOfTheItilFramework What do you think of the ITIL framework?

MantrasAboutTheImportanceOfFundamentals What can we learn from mantras about fundamentals?

VariableOrganizationToSteeringOvernight How fast can an organization change its process? Can workflow products overcome past problems?

Pre-AYE 2003 Interesting Threads


FacingReality is about your advice on balancing what you want with what you can do with what you have.

How did you come to be here? Check out the BackStories thread and add your story.

What did you learn from AYE that you're bringing forward? Let us know in GoingForwardStories.

Have any requests for 2003? Join us in WhatAreYourExpectations

Any appreciations for others? Here's the AppreciationsofOthers thread.

Help a colleague gain a better understanding of CustomerSatisfaction

I'm seeing a change in the local hiring trends, to more process. Is that what you see? Is it "good?" Let us hear your opinions in MoreProcess.


How does StoryTelling help us understand our systems, culture and environment?

Agile is a big buzzword in software today. Talk about what's worked for you in the AgilePractices thread.


BecomingEffectiveCommunicators is part of what AYE is about.

When do you decide it's TimetoMoveon?

How have you made a business case for ArchitecturalImprovements?

Soemtimes we TransplantSkills to solve problems in a new way.

ManagementAsFeedbackImpediment Explore how management affects employee feedback.

What kind of meetings work for you at work? MeetingsThatWork

HumorousLinks funny links of interest to this group.

Rants, opinions, jabs and politically incorrect stuff? CurmudgeonCorner (NOT for the terminally sincere.)

There are lots of books published about successful CEOs. What have you learned from them? LessonsFromBooksAboutCeos



Pre-AYE 2002 Interesting Threads

We can continue with these threads, but I wanted to see what was generated in which year. -- JohannaRothman 2002.12.16

I am not sure where to start a new thread, so I did it here. I apologize if I stepped in the wrong place.

I have a question about WriteOncePublishEverywhere

DwaynePhillips 19 July 2006

Updated: Sunday, October 8, 2006